DTP 7500-320DV | MULTI-PURPOSE DUAL-VIEW X-RAY SCANNER is a state-of-the-art innovative technology for inspection of the any type of the vehicles: cars, buses, loaded vehicles and loaded trucks. It is designed to verify filling compliance of these vehicles and its cargo, and detection all violations like contraband, illegal drugs, weapons, and other dangerous objects.
Dual view scanners which equipped with two types of X-ray sources perform side scanning using both sources –lateral screening with both X-ray sources: High-Energy source for cargo screening, and Low-Energy source for people’s compartment screening, like driver cabin or passenger vehicle, and top-down view with second Low-Energy source.
The system is able to scan trucks, cargo, containers, occupied passenger vehicles and buses and provides therefore maximum operational flexibility.
With an X-ray radiation does rate of less than 0.25µSv per screen the DTP 7500/320DV is completely safe for the truck driver.
The deployment of the DTP 7500/320DV requires a relatively small ground surface. The Operator’s workplace can be installed up to 100 meters away from the inspection portal.
The DTP 7500/320DV provides either classic (3+1) or advanced (7+1) material discrimination, for market leading threat detection.
The system is fully integrated within the uniGATE vehicle checkpoint solution, consisting of modular security measures, such as under vehicle monitoring, ANPR, ACCR, special CCTV, driver facial recognition and others.
The DTP 7500/320DV can screen vehicles with a speed up to 15 km/h and can screen 120 and more vehicles per hour (not including analysis time).
The scanner produces high-quality X-ray images with high contrast sensitivity, copper wire detection and spatial resolution.
The scanner complies with the ANSI 43.17-2009 standard (general use) and protects the driver and occupants via ultra-low dose screening function, radiation protection walls, automatic scan counter, installed dosimeters and virtual fencing.
The DTP 7500/320DV provides high X-ray images of the cabin with lower dosage, thus reducing the radiation exposure. The cabin scan is done with full material discrimination.
The system provides both lateral X-ray images (7.5 MeV & 320 kV) and top-down, lateral X-ray images (320 kV). Therefore, contraband and threats can be reliably detected.
The DTP 7500/320DV is designed for long-time outside operation and withstands even harshest environmental conditions.
The DTP 7500/320DV provides a high steel penetration of up to 350 mm (cargo bay) and 60 mm for the driver cabin, which helps to see through dense amounts of steel.
The system is able to scan and control rapidly the contents of trucks and vehicles in a controlled traffic flow between 5 to 20 km/h (7 km/h recommended).
The system can automatically detect, calculate the number of and indicate where there are human bodies in the X-ray image displayed.
unival offers completely remote operator and system monitoring, providing full health status and recording of all operational
The system provides an automatic colour-coding feature for material discrimination, distinguishing between organic, non-organic and metallic materials. This feature helps the operator to identify irregularities in objects, and easily distinguish in the image between different materials with the same absorbency.
© unival group | 2025