The R&S®QPS201 is a latest-generation body scanner based on millimetre waves. It is used for the automatic detection of potentially threatening objects carried in clothing or on the body. Examples of use are security screening at airports and public events with high public events with a high risk potential as well as access control in security-relevant facilities.
The R&S®QPS201 is a security scanner that meets the need for unobtrusive security screening that is uncomplicated for the test person, yet highly accurate and efficient. It consists of flat detection walls in which several thousand transmitting antennas send millimetre waves of extremely low power one after the other in very rapid succession and just as many receiving antennas pick up finely resolved 3D information. The person to be checked stands briefly between the detection walls as if in front of a mirror, arms slightly spread apart. The detection software uses machine-trained algorithms to search for hidden objects, regardless of their nature. It does not search for specific objects, but for anomalies that indicate unusual objects. In this way, the scanner can also detect unknown and novel threats.
High system resolution, bandwidth and dynamic range for high detection performance and minimum false alarms
Certified by the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC)
Detection of all types of potentially dangerous objects (metal, ceramic, plastic, liquid)
Outstanding full-body coverage, complete head, shoulder and leg illumination of tall and oversized individuals
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