The XWJ2-C | DIGITAL CONFERENCE ROOM JAMMER is the smallest jammer of the unival XWJ2 portfolio and has been especially optimized for conference room jamming.
The XWJ2-C | DIGITAL CONFERENCE ROOM JAMMER guarantees safe and untapped meetings and conferences, as it jams band-selective all threat frequencies of listening devices, from 20 to 7.200 MHz.
XWJ2-C | DIGITAL CONFERENCE ROOM JAMMER is fully digital and can be programmed according to local requirements. The small size and its optimized antennas allow covert and hidden installation.
Furthermore, its state-of-the-art reactive jamming technology provides
maximum output power whenever a transmission has been detected.
The small size of the unival XWJ2-C allows a flexible installation and covert integration into conference room tables, walls, ceilings, boards or other interior elements.
The unival XWJ2-C jams the whole frequency range, from 20 – 7.200 MHz. Band-selective jamming ensures maximum performance on all relevant threat frequencies.
With the XWJ2 SMART REACTIVE UPGRADE the XWJ2-C monitors threat frequencies and counter-jams automatically and band-selective in real-time, once a transmission has been detected.
The XWJ2-C software allows easy programming and setup of the jammer. Special algorithms are automatically providing optimized settings for the internal hardware.
The XWJ2-C monitors in real-time all critical system parameters, such as temperature, output power, power shortcuts, antenna failure and others. Automatic system adjustments and protection modes ensure longevity of the system.
New, upcoming threat frequencies can be jammed via the programming software. New modules can be easily attached for increased future performance.
Frequencies, jamming modes, output power and other parameters can be freely programmed for maximum performance.
High-efficient jamming profiles can be pre-programmed for different jamming scenarios, such as Sweep, Barrage, Hopping, Band-selective, and others.
The XWJ2-C comes with a special antenna set, which has been configured according to room size, layout and jamming scenario. The antennas can be installed covertly, in order to hide the complete jammer.
XWJ2-C jamming operations can be monitored and operated from a remote operator station.
Due to its modular design the XWJ2-C can be easily maintained: All modules can be quickly changed and replaced.
The XWJ2-C is completely designed and manufactured in Germany, according to highest quality standards.
© unival group | 2025